Customer portal
Results of MPS-ABC sampling
Results of MPS-ABC sampling
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A substance has been detected in your crops that you have neglected to record in the MPS portal. Please select one of the options below:
I forgot to record the substance.
I have previously recorded the substance at some point in the past (i.e. more than two years ago).
I did not personally use the substance.
You can retroactively record the substance during the period in which you used the substance and can upload a screenshot of this record-keeping here. (If the period is blocked, please contact our Service & Support department).
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You may have recorded it at one time based on invoices and/or purchases. Please note that this is expressly prohibited, as the MPS-ABC record-keeping is a usage record-keeping.
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You can retroactively record the substance during the period in which you used the substance and can upload a screenshot of this record-keeping here. (If the period is blocked, please contact our Service & Support department).
I did not personally use the substance and would like to use the following explanation(s):
Source of irrigation
Source of soil
Source of drift
Source of parental material
Unknown source
Source of irrigation
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You can upload evidence here in the form of an analysis of the water used, which shows that the water already contained the substance.
Source of soil
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You can upload evidence here in the form of an analysis of the soil used, which shows that the substrate already contained the substance.
Source of drift
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You can use this section to upload evidence in the form of a statement issued by your neighbours confirming that they have used the substance detected on your property.
Did your parent material originate from an MPS-certified grower?
Please enter your supplier’s MPS number here
You can use this section to upload evidence in the form of a statement issued by your supplier confirming that they have used the substance detected on your property.
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MPS requires a statement specifying how the substance ended up in your crops. Without such a statement, we cannot rule out that you did use the substance. There are two options available:
Reanalysis of sample taken
Acceptance of the disciplinary action
You are doubting the results of the analysis and are choosing the option of a reanalysis of the sample taken. If the results reveal that the laboratory made an error, MPS Group will cover the cost of the reanalysis.
If the result is the same as that of the initial analysis, you will be required to cover the cost of the reanalysis.
A new sample will be taken at your expense within the next eight weeks and you will subsequently lose points in the Reliability Index.
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