The certificate holder must promptly notify MPS-ECAS in writing about any intended changes to a business unit and/or product and/or process that relate to the certification standard and are covered by the certification agreement. This also applies to important events that have an impact on the certified management system, including matters such as legal prosecution and emergencies. You can use this form to notify MPS-ECAS of your change, which will then be processed. If additional investigation or information is necessary, MPS-ECAS will contact you.The certificate holder must promptly notify MPS-ECAS in writing about any intended changes to a business unit and/or product and/or process that relate to the certification standard and are covered by the certification agreement. This also applies to important events that have an impact on the certified management system, including matters such as legal prosecution and emergencies. You can use this form to notify MPS-ECAS of your change, which will then be processed. If additional investigation or information is necessary, MPS-ECAS will contact you.
In case it is found (e.g. during an audit) that the name and/or identity of an (aspiring) certificate holder has been changed compared to the signed quotation and/or an earlier agreement with MPS-ECAS it is necessary for the (aspiring) certificate holder to fill out this form. Reason for filling out this form is that it should be unmistakably clear with which company MPS-ECAS has an agreement.The form that is to be sent in by the (aspiring) certificate holder should always be accompanied by documentation which proves that the change has taken place.
To conclude the process MPS-ECAS has/have to approve in writing of a change in legal identity in relation to the certification.
In case of transfer of activities that have been certified by MPS-ECAS to another legal entity, the transfer should be approved by MPS-ECAS.
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Herewith the undersigned states that the company has changed its official name as from the date mentioned above.
The undersigned also declares to have appended the necessary documentation as mentioned above.
Herewith the undersigned states as legal representative of X, that X has taken over the activities relevant to the certification from party Y above and that this entails that X has also fully entered into the rights and accepted the duties of Y towards MPS-ECAS.