You may have a complaint about how MPS-ECAS operates. You can submit your complaint to MPS-ECAS by filling out this form. Please enclose sufficient information and substantiation with your complaint.
If you disagree with a decision made by MPS-ECAS, you can file an appeal by emailing Your appeal will be processed by the internal appeals committee and handled in accordance with this procedure.
If you still disagree with the decision regarding your complaint or the ruling of the internal appeals committee, you can appeal to the Board of Appeal. The composition and working method of the Board of Appeal are laid down in the Board of Appeal Regulations.
The handling of your appeal may lead to the conclusion that there is a difference of opinion between MPS-ECAS and yourself regarding the interpretation of requirements in a certification standard. In that case, the MPS-ECAS Board of Experts (BoE) is called in to make a ruling on the interpretation. The decision of the BoE is binding (in accordance with MPS-ECAS Regulations for Certification).
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