MPS Group

The MPS Group supports horticultural entrepreneurs worldwide in their efforts to operate more sustainably.

MPS-ECAS carries out independent audits and assigns certificates with relevance to the horticulture sector to all links in the chain. By proactively sharing our sector knowledge, encouraging entrepreneurs and connecting parties, we accelerate the sustainability thinking and acting of entrepreneurs. In doing so, we actively contribute to making the horticulture sector more sustainable worldwide.

MPS-ECAS is the independent certification body within the MPS Group. We perform audits with a focus on sustainability and food safety and certify sustainable entrepreneurs operating at the various links within the chain.

MPS-ECAS certifies companies for MPS standards but also for certification standards by other organisations, such as GLOBALG.A.P., On the way to PlanetProof, Fair Produce, BRCGS Food, Groen Label Kas, CDG, ISO, and RHP.

With a global network, our team serves internationally operating horticulture businesses from its home base in the Netherlands.

Ruud van den Akker

Senior Auditor

Kees van den Boogert

Senior Auditor

Tim Disseldorp

Operations Officer

Hans van Driel

Senior Auditor

Leen van Driel

Senior Auditor

Roy van den Ende

Operations Officer

Mark van Erp

Senior Auditor

Rick van der Hoeven


Anton Janssen

Senior Auditor

Iris Kuntz


Remco Landsmeer

Manager MPS-ECAS

Daisy van Leeuwen

Quality Assurance Specialist

Luísa Mealha-Stigter


Laura Poelstra


Merel Reinders

Manager Auditing

Henry van Riet


Henk Rietveld


Elisabeth Schoonhoven


Lars Steijvers


Marcel Straver

Senior Auditor

Daan de Vries


Donald Westerbeek

Senior Auditor

Board of Experts MPS-ECAS

It is of great importance for MPS-ECAS to be able to do its work independently, impartially and objectively. To realise and monitor this, MPS-ECAS has established the Board of Experts (BoE).

The BoE is composed of organisations that have an interest in the activities of MPS-ECAS. Their main task is to support MPS-ECAS in developing its policy regarding the impartiality of its certification activities. The BoE can give solicited and unsolicited advice and take action if the objectivity, impartiality or independence of MPS-ECAS is compromised.

In addition, the BoE is an advisory body to the Manager of MPS-ECAS, in which all stakeholders in the certification schemes and standards certified by MPS-ECAS have the opportunity to participate.

The Board of Experts consists of the following persons:

  • Mr L. Meijer, JUMBO (retail), chairman
  • Ms L. van Wassenaer, Wageningen Economic Research (risk and information management in agrifood)
  • Mr L. Melissen, Stichting CDG (standard owner)
  • Mr J. Kusters, Agrodis (industry association for agricultural and horticultural suppliers)
  • Vacancy, KAVB (horticulture companies, especially flower bulb cultivation)
  • Vacancy, AGF
  • Mr J. Koeman, Glastuinbouw Nederland (growers of vegetable and ornamental crops)
  • Mr H. Dreesmann (entrepreneurs in green sector)
  • Mr B. Griffioen, LTO Nederland (Department of Trees and Perennials)
  • Mr F. Jonk, Royal FloraHolland (marketing ornamentals)
  • Ms M. Vullings, FruitMasters (fruit sales)
  • Ms R. Franken, Stichting MPS (standard owner)


MPS-ECAS offers various accreditations. This guarantees the impartiality and expertise of MPS-ECAS. The Dutch Accreditation Council (RvA) regularly assesses whether MPS-ECAS still meets the set requirements. MPS-ECAS holds an accreditation for the implementation of system certification (C171) and product/process certification (C262).

Click here to see the current accreditation appendix.

More information

Do you have any questions about our services or would you like to request a quotation straight away? Please contact us. We are happy to help you!